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Neopets 406 followers on LinkedIn. Show more jobs like this Show fewer jobs like this.


SUBMIT A TICKET BELOW We are here to help you with anything you need. Send us a ticket and we'll get back to you ASAP. By Jenna Amatulli. Neopets, a virtual pets website popular in the early aughts, employed business practices connected to the Church of Scientology, according to a recent report. The Outline revealed in a Wednesday report that former Neopets's CEO and investor Doug Dohring was a Scientologist who used the so-called Org Board method. 5 points 4 years ago. I don't have specific names, but I know for sure that people have tried getting hired to Neopets through the JumpStart hiring page for a long time now, but to no avail. I would guess you would have to start as a JumpStart intern.

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NeoPets Employment Agency

by Kailey

It's not that hard to get a job in the Faerieland Employment Agency. All you need is some neopoints and a fast Internet connection.

The Basics
To get to the NeoPets Employment Agency just click on the explore button on the yellow left side bar. Then click Faerieland on the Neopia map. Click on Faerie city and on the middle right is the Employment Agency.

There are new jobs every ten minutes after the hour: :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, and :50.

Be careful of which jobs you accept. Some of them only give you 1 minute to do that job and some of them will cost you more neopoints than it awards you. I think the most jobs you can do in a day for a NeoPet is 5. This is what your status will look like.

Job Coupons
DON'T GO BUY JOB COUPONS FOR THE SUPER JOBS. IT ISN'T WORTH IT. The prize may be about 20-40k and you may think that's a good deal, but the coupons themselves are much more expensive so it isn't worth it. Unless if you want to spend a lot of neopoints on it though. So just stick to the basic jobs. If you use a job coupon it will go to the next level down. For example, the Red Job Coupon will turn into a Blue Job Coupon. If you use a green Job coupon, it'll disappear. Here's the job coupon ranking from lowest to highest:
Green Job Coupon

Blue Job Coupon

Red Job Coupon

Silver Job Coupon

Gold Job Coupon

Purple Job Coupon

Pink Job Coupon

Green Brightvale Job Coupon

Bronze Brightvale Job Coupon

Silver Brightvale Job Coupon

Gold Brightvale Job Coupon

This is an example of what a Super Job looks like.

Finishing the Job
Step 1: Getting Ready
Keep a window open to the NeoPets Employment Agency and another to the shop wizard. Click on the text box after what are you looking for? so all you'll have to do is copy and paste the item in the text box. (Ctrl and C to copy, Ctrl and V to paste.) Then, change the °containing my phrase? part to identical to my phrase. See the example below.

Step 2: Timing
Now that NeoPets has that handy clock on the sidebar you can see exactly what time it is. New Basic Jobs are added every 10 minutes. (Example: 6:00, 6:10, 6:20, 6:30, 6:40, 6:50 etc.) So while you're waiting you can play a quick game or work on perfecting your lookup. But keep an eye on the clock so when it's about 1 minute until new Basic Jobs get added keep checking the clock until it's about 30 seconds till the jobs get added.

Step 3: Applying for the job
Start refreshing 10 seconds before the Basic Jobs get added and keep refreshing until they appear. They only stay for about 30 seconds. Be very careful because some of the jobs only give you 1 minute to complete the job (but I've completed one job in 40 seconds it depends on the item, I had to get 4 Palm Fans for that one and they're all 1 neopoint). Some of them ask for more than one of the item. Click on 'Apply for this job' and don't worry if you don't make it the first time. Just hit the backspace button and click on another one. If you got the job it'll say so. Example below.

Neopets Careers

Step 4: Completing the job
Copy the item name your NeoPet is suppose to get. Then click on the window with the shop wizard. Copy and paste the item into the text box. But be sure to remove the s if you need to get more than one of that item. Search it on the wizard and if you have more than a couple of minutes you can refresh it for a while and get a good deal on it too. Once you've got it in your inventory just click on the window with the NeoPets Employment Agency on it and click on the done part. You'll get a bonus added to the base reward if you get the job done quickly. Here's a screen shot.

Voila! See how easy it really is? I hope this guide has helped you. Good luck!!

Neopets careers application

Some content © All other images, likenesses, names © and/or TM Neopets, Inc. 2001-2005.

The Frequently Asked Questions

A few questions come up when a guide like this comes along. Here are the ones I've come across the most and the plain and simple answers to them.

Is this for real? Has anyone been able to do it? I doubt it! – Doubting Donnie
Yes, this guide is for real! It is REALLY possible — I myself can do it often when I'm not tired haha.

Cheater! I'm gonna be frozen and so are you! – Freezing Francis
Sorry, that's not true! This is a legit way to make money and loads of it. I myself and used this method for my 4 years on Neopets and have not had a problem yet. I've been a premium member and talked to some staff members too. I make this money the real old fashioned way — through hard work! And you will too! No freezings in sight using this method, pal

What's so special about this guide that its not like all the others. They say you can make MILLIONS not 550,000! – Greedy Gary
This guide, unlike those, teaches you how to make 550,000 neopoints a day ONE way. Other guides go through grueling processes of having you play hundreds of games a day and get good scores on them (and quite frankly, Neopets games aren't meant for EVERYONE to be the best at. It's easy for them to write ‘Make 1,000 NP off this game' but harder for them and you to do it. Their guides have you make 10 – 15,000 Neopoints a day and wait….doing the same mundane thing every day. This guide can have you a million in two days — tell the other guides to beat that! It's also a ONE way method — you dont have to play games you're not good at or anything hard. You just have to click links — so simple, right!

Too simple, bub! Why hasn't everyone else heard of this! – Suspicious Sally
Because those of us that do know about the link like to keep it on the downlow so that it's easier to make the money. I, however, haven't noticed a change at all since selling many of these guides. It shouldn't affect your play at all. However, if EVERYONE in Neopia did know this would quickly be a thing of the past. So keep it to those who pay for the guide!

Let the Moneymaking Begin.

FEW people know about a secret link on Neopets It is simple if you think about it–a variation is even shown on one part of the site! The Faerieland Employment Agency's SUPER JOBS to many people look like a rip off. You spend 30,000 on a job coupon for a job that pays 10,000 NP? It seems ridiculous. And it is! Doing jobs that way is stupid…here's the real way millionaries do the jobs!

There is a simple reason why no ‘good' jobs come to the front of the page — educated Neopians are nabbing them as soon as they come up! Jobs don't start at page one…they start at page TEN. 'Why can't you see all 10 pages?!' – That's the thing! Those who know the URL get to see the pages. You don't have to be a paid user or an Einsteinette to figure it out. The ‘Basic Jobs' which pay dismally compared to normal jobs use this system for when there are more than 10 jobs. Just take out the basic part of the link and you get it for super jobs!

Neopets Careers Portal

Neopets Careers

We'll move on to the ‘secret' link a bit later in the guide. Before you go off and think you're the Job Master, there are a few basics about the Job System that every millionaire wannabe and millionaire looking to bulk up should know. Here are the basic rules for starting off. Check these things off as you go, and once they're all checked start doing SUPER JOBS!

____ 1.) Have 85,000 NP + Sometimes the items jobs require you to get cost 10 np each, sometimes they cost 2,000. I'd say, in my years of doing jobs, that 3,000 is the most you will pay on a job.
____ 2.) Understand the job scale before you buy the coupon. It's confusing at first but easy ton understand afterwards. See the diagram below this list for more information.
____ 3.) Buy a PINK job coupon. Not purple, not green… PINK.
____ 4.) Have it in your inventory with other cheap items—I sadly have had my pink job coupon stolen after I put items into my shop. It feels REALLY bad…so have some junk in there for the Pant Devil to steal instead!
____ 5.) Get ready

Neopets Careers Log

The Jobs and their Scales

Jobs have a scale that they all run by. It hasn't changed and is very unlikely it will, unless more jobs are added (like the Brightvale Job Coupons a few years back, but they did not affect the part of the job scale we will be using.) Be sure to study and understand this carefully. Using it to your advantage will make sure you can profit the most from jobs.

Pink – 100,000 NP (Get these as fast as you can!)
Purple – 95,000 – 98,000 NP
Gold Job Coupon – 65,000 – 70,000 NP approx
Silver Job Coupon – 30,000 – 35,000
Red Job Coupon – >10,000 NP.


Neopets Careers

The Jobs and their Scales

If you do not know, you can only do a pink job with a pink coupon…
You can do a purple job with a Pink OR Purple Coupon
You can do a Gold Job with a PINK, PURPLE, or GOLD coupon
etc etc

So why are red jobs listed on the ‘Pay Attention To' Scale? Red Job Coupons DO sell to the people who want to try jobs but dont know the link and tips. They buy them for a shocking 42,000 NPS! When your Silver coupon turns into a red…put it in your shop and sell it immediately! Use the shop wizard and sell for the lowest price there (they do go up considerably over time… a few months ago they were 40,000 and now they are 45,000.) Sell them a little bit below the lowest price. They do not sell like hotcakes, but overnight you'll notice your till going up!

Neopets Careers

SUBMIT A TICKET BELOW We are here to help you with anything you need. Send us a ticket and we'll get back to you ASAP. By Jenna Amatulli. Neopets, a virtual pets website popular in the early aughts, employed business practices connected to the Church of Scientology, according to a recent report. The Outline revealed in a Wednesday report that former Neopets's CEO and investor Doug Dohring was a Scientologist who used the so-called Org Board method. 5 points 4 years ago. I don't have specific names, but I know for sure that people have tried getting hired to Neopets through the JumpStart hiring page for a long time now, but to no avail. I would guess you would have to start as a JumpStart intern.

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NeoPets Employment Agency

by Kailey

It's not that hard to get a job in the Faerieland Employment Agency. All you need is some neopoints and a fast Internet connection.

The Basics
To get to the NeoPets Employment Agency just click on the explore button on the yellow left side bar. Then click Faerieland on the Neopia map. Click on Faerie city and on the middle right is the Employment Agency.

There are new jobs every ten minutes after the hour: :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, and :50.

Be careful of which jobs you accept. Some of them only give you 1 minute to do that job and some of them will cost you more neopoints than it awards you. I think the most jobs you can do in a day for a NeoPet is 5. This is what your status will look like.

Job Coupons
DON'T GO BUY JOB COUPONS FOR THE SUPER JOBS. IT ISN'T WORTH IT. The prize may be about 20-40k and you may think that's a good deal, but the coupons themselves are much more expensive so it isn't worth it. Unless if you want to spend a lot of neopoints on it though. So just stick to the basic jobs. If you use a job coupon it will go to the next level down. For example, the Red Job Coupon will turn into a Blue Job Coupon. If you use a green Job coupon, it'll disappear. Here's the job coupon ranking from lowest to highest:
Green Job Coupon

Blue Job Coupon

Red Job Coupon

Silver Job Coupon

Gold Job Coupon

Purple Job Coupon

Pink Job Coupon

Green Brightvale Job Coupon

Bronze Brightvale Job Coupon

Silver Brightvale Job Coupon

Gold Brightvale Job Coupon

This is an example of what a Super Job looks like.

Finishing the Job
Step 1: Getting Ready
Keep a window open to the NeoPets Employment Agency and another to the shop wizard. Click on the text box after what are you looking for? so all you'll have to do is copy and paste the item in the text box. (Ctrl and C to copy, Ctrl and V to paste.) Then, change the °containing my phrase? part to identical to my phrase. See the example below.

Step 2: Timing
Now that NeoPets has that handy clock on the sidebar you can see exactly what time it is. New Basic Jobs are added every 10 minutes. (Example: 6:00, 6:10, 6:20, 6:30, 6:40, 6:50 etc.) So while you're waiting you can play a quick game or work on perfecting your lookup. But keep an eye on the clock so when it's about 1 minute until new Basic Jobs get added keep checking the clock until it's about 30 seconds till the jobs get added.

Step 3: Applying for the job
Start refreshing 10 seconds before the Basic Jobs get added and keep refreshing until they appear. They only stay for about 30 seconds. Be very careful because some of the jobs only give you 1 minute to complete the job (but I've completed one job in 40 seconds it depends on the item, I had to get 4 Palm Fans for that one and they're all 1 neopoint). Some of them ask for more than one of the item. Click on 'Apply for this job' and don't worry if you don't make it the first time. Just hit the backspace button and click on another one. If you got the job it'll say so. Example below.

Neopets Careers

Step 4: Completing the job
Copy the item name your NeoPet is suppose to get. Then click on the window with the shop wizard. Copy and paste the item into the text box. But be sure to remove the s if you need to get more than one of that item. Search it on the wizard and if you have more than a couple of minutes you can refresh it for a while and get a good deal on it too. Once you've got it in your inventory just click on the window with the NeoPets Employment Agency on it and click on the done part. You'll get a bonus added to the base reward if you get the job done quickly. Here's a screen shot.

Voila! See how easy it really is? I hope this guide has helped you. Good luck!!

Some content © All other images, likenesses, names © and/or TM Neopets, Inc. 2001-2005.

The Frequently Asked Questions

A few questions come up when a guide like this comes along. Here are the ones I've come across the most and the plain and simple answers to them.

Is this for real? Has anyone been able to do it? I doubt it! – Doubting Donnie
Yes, this guide is for real! It is REALLY possible — I myself can do it often when I'm not tired haha.

Cheater! I'm gonna be frozen and so are you! – Freezing Francis
Sorry, that's not true! This is a legit way to make money and loads of it. I myself and used this method for my 4 years on Neopets and have not had a problem yet. I've been a premium member and talked to some staff members too. I make this money the real old fashioned way — through hard work! And you will too! No freezings in sight using this method, pal

What's so special about this guide that its not like all the others. They say you can make MILLIONS not 550,000! – Greedy Gary
This guide, unlike those, teaches you how to make 550,000 neopoints a day ONE way. Other guides go through grueling processes of having you play hundreds of games a day and get good scores on them (and quite frankly, Neopets games aren't meant for EVERYONE to be the best at. It's easy for them to write ‘Make 1,000 NP off this game' but harder for them and you to do it. Their guides have you make 10 – 15,000 Neopoints a day and wait….doing the same mundane thing every day. This guide can have you a million in two days — tell the other guides to beat that! It's also a ONE way method — you dont have to play games you're not good at or anything hard. You just have to click links — so simple, right!

Too simple, bub! Why hasn't everyone else heard of this! – Suspicious Sally
Because those of us that do know about the link like to keep it on the downlow so that it's easier to make the money. I, however, haven't noticed a change at all since selling many of these guides. It shouldn't affect your play at all. However, if EVERYONE in Neopia did know this would quickly be a thing of the past. So keep it to those who pay for the guide!

Let the Moneymaking Begin.

FEW people know about a secret link on Neopets It is simple if you think about it–a variation is even shown on one part of the site! The Faerieland Employment Agency's SUPER JOBS to many people look like a rip off. You spend 30,000 on a job coupon for a job that pays 10,000 NP? It seems ridiculous. And it is! Doing jobs that way is stupid…here's the real way millionaries do the jobs!

There is a simple reason why no ‘good' jobs come to the front of the page — educated Neopians are nabbing them as soon as they come up! Jobs don't start at page one…they start at page TEN. 'Why can't you see all 10 pages?!' – That's the thing! Those who know the URL get to see the pages. You don't have to be a paid user or an Einsteinette to figure it out. The ‘Basic Jobs' which pay dismally compared to normal jobs use this system for when there are more than 10 jobs. Just take out the basic part of the link and you get it for super jobs!

Neopets Careers Portal

We'll move on to the ‘secret' link a bit later in the guide. Before you go off and think you're the Job Master, there are a few basics about the Job System that every millionaire wannabe and millionaire looking to bulk up should know. Here are the basic rules for starting off. Check these things off as you go, and once they're all checked start doing SUPER JOBS!

____ 1.) Have 85,000 NP + Sometimes the items jobs require you to get cost 10 np each, sometimes they cost 2,000. I'd say, in my years of doing jobs, that 3,000 is the most you will pay on a job.
____ 2.) Understand the job scale before you buy the coupon. It's confusing at first but easy ton understand afterwards. See the diagram below this list for more information.
____ 3.) Buy a PINK job coupon. Not purple, not green… PINK.
____ 4.) Have it in your inventory with other cheap items—I sadly have had my pink job coupon stolen after I put items into my shop. It feels REALLY bad…so have some junk in there for the Pant Devil to steal instead!
____ 5.) Get ready

Neopets Careers Log

The Jobs and their Scales

Jobs have a scale that they all run by. It hasn't changed and is very unlikely it will, unless more jobs are added (like the Brightvale Job Coupons a few years back, but they did not affect the part of the job scale we will be using.) Be sure to study and understand this carefully. Using it to your advantage will make sure you can profit the most from jobs.

Pink – 100,000 NP (Get these as fast as you can!)
Purple – 95,000 – 98,000 NP
Gold Job Coupon – 65,000 – 70,000 NP approx
Silver Job Coupon – 30,000 – 35,000
Red Job Coupon – >10,000 NP.


Neopets Careers

The Jobs and their Scales

If you do not know, you can only do a pink job with a pink coupon…
You can do a purple job with a Pink OR Purple Coupon
You can do a Gold Job with a PINK, PURPLE, or GOLD coupon
etc etc

So why are red jobs listed on the ‘Pay Attention To' Scale? Red Job Coupons DO sell to the people who want to try jobs but dont know the link and tips. They buy them for a shocking 42,000 NPS! When your Silver coupon turns into a red…put it in your shop and sell it immediately! Use the shop wizard and sell for the lowest price there (they do go up considerably over time… a few months ago they were 40,000 and now they are 45,000.) Sell them a little bit below the lowest price. They do not sell like hotcakes, but overnight you'll notice your till going up!

Another quick tip before we go on to the secret link: Since Pink and Purple jobs pay the MOST (the most you can make is 100,000 NP a job) once your Purple Job Coupon turns into a gold, spend 80,000 and buy another pink so that incase a pink or purple comes up you can snag it fast!

The Secret Link And How To Use It

Bookmark This: … s&start=10

What does this junk mean? – This means on Neopets you will go to Faerieland Employment agency, Jobs starting at page 10. There is no page 11+

Once you go there, then change the 10 to a 9. Then change the 9 to an 8. Sometimes more than 1 job will come up when jobs refresh. You should have 10, 9, and 8 ready to go so you can just push the ‘FORWARD' button instead of typing it in. Don't worry if things are slow as you first do it — as you increase so will your speed and skill. Soon you'll be zooming between pages!

Read on about how to increase your skill and tips for doing the jobs on the next page!

Refreshing and Improving Your Skill

So wait for the clock to read 9:49 seconds and then refresh! Get ready to click the link ‘Apply for this job' and then select the coupon to use. If a good one (Pink purple gold silver…) does not appear, go forward to page 9..8 and so on. As you get used to jobs your rhythm with this WILL improve greatly and you will become better at it. So if you don't do good at first (it took me about 2 months to really get the gist of it) keep trying! IT WILL WORK. I've made 550,000 (500 from 5 pink jobs and 50 from the red coupon..overpricing it does sell too. :])

Once you get your first job…first be happy. Congrats Secondly…remember you ARE timed! Your speed does determine how much your payout is. You get a bonus for completing it with speed. Have the shop wizard open in another window ready to get the items as fast as you can.

Once you get the item(s) click ‘Return this job.'

Neopets Careers Jobs

Your smiling pet will be up there, happy that you're giving it a job. YOU however should be smiling. Your neopoints have just started to skyrocket!

broken image